var url = null; var method = null; var contenttype = null; var body = null; var PersonId = null; var XsltId = null; var title = null; var showscenario = null; $(document).ready(function(){ $("#loading").hide(); $("#demo").hide(); }); function startDemo() { $("#loading").show(); reset(); $("#demo").show('slow'); $("#loading").hide(); } function sendRequest() { $("#loading").show(); if(url==null){ alert("Please select a scenario!"); } else if(title=="add-new-item"||title=="create-new-xslt-stylesheet") { switch(title) { case "add-new-item": $.ajax({ url: url, type: method, data: $("#requestBody").val(), contentType: contenttype, success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { $("#loading").hide(); $("#responseStatusCode").val(jqXHR.status); $("#responseStatusDescription").val(jqXHR.statusText); $("#responseHeaders").val(jqXHR.getAllResponseHeaders()); $("#responseLocation").val(jqXHR.getResponseHeader('Location')); var responseloccation = jqXHR.getResponseHeader('Location'); PersonId = extractIDs(responseloccation); }, error: function ( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { $("#loading").hide(); $("#responseStatusCode").val(jqXHR.status); $("#responseStatusDescription").val(jqXHR.statusText); } }); title = null; break; case "create-new-xslt-stylesheet": $.ajax({ url: url, type: method, data: $("#requestBody").val(), contentType: contenttype, success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { $("#loading").hide(); $("#responseStatusCode").val(jqXHR.status); $("#responseStatusDescription").val(jqXHR.statusText); $("#responseHeaders").val(jqXHR.getAllResponseHeaders()); $("#responseLocation").val(jqXHR.getResponseHeader('Location')); var responseloccation = jqXHR.getResponseHeader('Location'); XsltId = extractIDs(responseloccation); }, error: function ( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { $("#loading").hide(); $("#responseStatusCode").val(jqXHR.status); $("#responseStatusDescription").val(jqXHR.statusText); } }); title = null; break; } } else { SendHttpRequest(); } } function setValues(){ clear(); var scenario =; showscenario = $(; // Remove all active items $("a").removeClass("active"); $("a").addClass("inactive"); $("inactive"); $("active"); switch (scenario){ case "read-all-resources": url = ""; method = "GET"; contenttype = "application/xml"; ShowSelectedDataInFields(); break; case "create-new-list": url = ""; method = "POST"; contenttype = "application/xml"; body = ' people @id '; ShowSelectedDataInFields(); break; case "read-list-metadata": url = ""; method = "GET"; contenttype = "application/rdf+xml"; ShowSelectedDataInFields(); break; case "create-schema": url = ""; method = "PUT"; contenttype = "application/xml"; body = ''; ShowSelectedDataInFields(); break; case "add-new-item": title = "add-new-item"; url = ""; method = "POST"; contenttype = "application/xml"; body = 'AlexeyTschudnowskytschudnowsky'; ShowSelectedDataInFields(); break; case "read-list": url = ""; method = "GET"; contenttype = "application/xml"; ShowSelectedDataInFields(); break; case "create-new-uri-template": url = ""; method = "POST"; contenttype = "text/n3"; body = '@prefix meta: .\n\r meta:urlTemplate [meta:url "people/{value}"; meta:xPath "//person[short = \'{value}\']"].'; ShowSelectedDataInFields(); break; case "read-items-by-uri-template": url = ""; method = "GET"; contenttype = "application/xml"; ShowSelectedDataInFields(); break; case "create-another-list": url = ""; method = "POST"; contenttype = "application/xml"; body = ' projects '; ShowSelectedDataInFields(); break; case "create-relationship": url = ""; method = "POST"; contenttype = "text/n3"; body = '@prefix dm: .\n\r<> dm:source .\n\r<> dm:target .\n\r<> dm:predicate .\n\r<> dm:inverse-predicate .\n\r<> dm:target-alias "participatedProjects".\n\r<> dm:source-alias "participants".'; ShowSelectedDataInFields(); break; case "add-new-relationship-item": url = "{personId}/projects/"; method = "POST"; contenttype = "application/xml"; body = ' DataGridService 1.0 '; if(PersonId!=null) { url = url.replace("{personId}",PersonId); ShowSelectedDataInFields(); } else { alert('This step is based on scenario "Add some XML item", please perform the the scenario first!'); } break; case "read-linked-resources": url = "{personId}/projects/"; method = "GET"; contenttype = "application/xml"; if(PersonId!=null) { url = url.replace("{personId}",PersonId); ShowSelectedDataInFields(); } else { alert('This step is based on scenario "Add some XML item", please perform the the scenario first!'); } break; case "create-new-rdf-xml-resource": url = ""; method = "POST"; contenttype = "application/xml"; body = ' people/rdf '; ShowSelectedDataInFields(); break; case "create-new-xslt-list": url = ""; method = "POST"; contenttype = "application/xml"; body = ' xslts '; ShowSelectedDataInFields(); break; case "create-new-xslt-stylesheet": title = "create-new-xslt-stylesheet"; url = ""; method = "POST"; contenttype = "application/xml"; body = ' '; ShowSelectedDataInFields(); break; case "configure-rdf-xml-resource": url = ""; method = "POST"; contenttype = "text/n3"; body = '.'; if(XsltId!=null) { body = body.replace("{xsltId}",XsltId); ShowSelectedDataInFields(); } else { alert('This step is based on scenario "Create new XSLT stylesheet", please perform the the scenario first!'); } break; case "read-rdf-xml-resource": url = ""; method = "GET"; contenttype = "application/rdf+xml"; ShowSelectedDataInFields(); break; } } function clear(){ $("#requestUri").val(""); $("#requestHeaders").val(""); $("#requestBody").val(""); $("#responseStatusCode").val(""); $("#responseStatusDescription").val(""); $("#responseHeaders").val(""); $("#responseBody").val(""); $("#responseLocation").val(""); url = null; method = null; contenttype = null; body = null; } function reset() { var urls = new Array("", "", "", ""); var i; for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { $.ajax({ url: urls[i], type: "DELETE", success: function (result) { } }); } clear(); } function extractIDs(Location) { var n = Location.lastIndexOf('/'); var id = Location.substring(n+1); return id; } function SendHttpRequest() { $.ajax({ url: url, type: method, data: $("#requestBody").val(), contentType: contenttype, success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { $("#loading").hide(); $("#responseStatusCode").val(jqXHR.status); $("#responseStatusDescription").val(jqXHR.statusText); var headers = jqXHR.getAllResponseHeaders(); $("#responseHeaders").val(headers); $("#responseLocation").val(jqXHR.getResponseHeader('Location')); if(data) { if (typeof data == 'string' || data instanceof String) $("#responseBody").val(data); else { var responsebody = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(data); $("#responseBody").val(responsebody); } } else $("#responseBody").val(""); }, error: function ( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { $("#loading").hide(); $("#responseStatusCode").val(jqXHR.status); $("#responseStatusDescription").val(jqXHR.statusText); } }); } function ShowSelectedDataInFields() { $("#requestUri").val(url); $('#requestMethod').val(method); $("#requestHeaders").val("Content-Type:" + contenttype + ";"); $("#requestBody").val(body); }