Module 500430
Planspiel Web Engineering (WS 2016/2017)
This site contains all important information about the module.

Additional session:
Monday, 17:15 - 20:30, 1/368
Monday, 17:15 - 20:30, 1/368
The regular meetings on Wed, 11/16/2016 and Wed, 11/23/2016 do not take place as already discussed in the last lecture.
Please use the time and prepare your presentation for the last week of November
There will be a Q+A session on Wednesday, 11/23/2016 were you can ask additional questions concerning your current team activities
Please use the time and prepare your presentation for the last week of November
There will be a Q+A session on Wednesday, 11/23/2016 were you can ask additional questions concerning your current team activities
Participation is only available after registration in
Registration opens on 03.10.2016 12:00 and ends on 09.10.2016 at 23:59.

Group members: Abdul Aziz Sabra, Mosbah Al Habbal and Neha Jaywant Wane
Abstract: Defining and analysing the Stakeholders with the relationships amongst them to discover the influence of direct/indirect relationships. The results will be represented in visual form for a better understanding.

Group members: Luis Moreno, Frank Siegel and Valentin Siegert
Abstract: A multi-user software tool to support project planners with the retrieval of requirements for project proposal writing.

Group members: Christian Hofmann, Sebastian Wolf and Jenny Strauß
Abstract: SHelp is an interactive web application which assist you during the stakeholder analysis in your project by creating a stakeholder table. And because a picture says more than thousand words, SHelp’s diagrams will show you the power and influence of each Stakeholder at the first sight.

Group members: Shruthi Hanumanthe Gowda, Georg Hahmann, Bled Abdiu and Dhavalkumar Koshti
Abstract: Our Stakeholder analysis tool provides Venn diagrams, Co-operation/Conflict diagrams, Stakeholder Map, Power/Legitimacy and Urgency Model. It is a simple tool to provide a visual ‘map’ of the relationships between stakeholders. This technique will provide useful insights for a project development team.