Module 553150
XML (WS 2017/2018)


Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Heil

If you have any questions concerning this course or the exam as a participant, please contact us via OPAL.
There will be NO XML lecture on 28/11/2017.
The XML Tools lecture is typically offered in the winter semester.
SWS (V/Ü/S/P):2/2/0/0
eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is the basis of a number of developments in the World Wide Web. XML plays a central role in data transport and integration as well as in many modern software applications. The course offers a basic introduction into XML and its applications in different contexts of distributed systems, distributed software and Web. Various state-of-the-art application scenarios and pragmatic tools are presented. The topics covered:
- Introduction to Markup languages and XML
- Basic approaches, such as DTD, XML schemas, XML editors, XML applications, linking, XPath, XSL/XSLT
- Data formats and tools, i.e. SVG, RSS
- Semantics Formats and tools, i.e. RDF, OWL, digital rights with Creative Commons
- User interface Formats and tools, i.e. XHTML, XForms, MicroFormats
- Application logic Formats and tools, i.e. existing XML Web Services for advertising, blogs, collaboration, content analysis, E-commerce, maps, social bookmarking, search, sight/sound/motion, storage, tagging
Qualification Objectives
- Basic understanding of Markup languages
- Familiarity with XML applications and tools
- Ability to make use of XML applications and XML Web services in the creation of sophisticated distributed applications
- Basic Semantic Web knowledge
- Ability to use metadata technologies, in particular for realizing Semantic Web resources.
Prerequisites (Recommended)
Semester Recommendation
Tuesday, 15:30 - 17:00, 1/219
First tutorials will start on Wednesday 1st and Friday 3rd of November.
Please subscribe to the tutorial via OPAL.
Lecture Slides
Tutorial Material
- Will be provided via OPAL during the semester