Module 553090
Software Service Engineering (WS 2018/2019)


If you have any questions concerning this course or the exam as a participant, please contact us via OPAL.
The first lecture will be on Tuesday October 8th 2018.
The first tutorial will start on Friday 3rd of November.
The tutorial in the second week of January 2019 will not take place and is postponed to the following week.
The lecture Software Service Engineering is typically offered in the winter semester.
SWS (L/T/S/P): 2/2/0/0
Service-oriented architectures comprise an important standard-based and technology-independent solution kit component for modern Web- and Cloud software development. SOA as a paradigm for distributed computing and the basis of modern distributed software carries a variety of benefits. Thus, there exist numerous architectural styles for identification, use, interconnection, implementation and dissemination of loosely-coupled software services and those accessible over the Internet or Web. The module presents basic approaches, concepts, technologies, protocols an principles of modern software services and deepens on their systematic use in the field of web engineering, as well as in SOA and distributed software. The topics to be covered in detail are, among others:
- XML-based Web Services
- REST architecture style
- SOA components
- Principles and patterns, such as Business Process Choreography, Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
- Challenges for software services in the business environment
- Life cycle modeling
Qualification Objectives
- Overview of the fundamental questions and problems in the operation of service-oriented architectures (SOA)
- Classical protocols, such as HTTP, SOAP and WS-*, knowledge of REST architectural style application, understanding of different aspects of SOA, design, construction, implementation, operation and evolution of Software Services
- Approaches, models, technologies, principles and tools for Software Services in the context of Distributed Software
Prerequisites (Recommended)
- Computer Networks