Module 500430
Planspiel Web Engineering (WS 2019/2020)
Welcome to the homepage of Planspiel Web Engineering
This site contains all important information about the module.

If you have any questions concerning this course or the exam as a participant, please contact us via OPAL.
We also offer a Feedback system, where you can provide anonymous feedback for a partiular session to the presenter on what you liked or where we can improve.
- You have to register for the Planspiel in order to participate. See details below.
- The first lecture will be on Wednesday October 23th 2019.
- The first pitch will be held on Monday November 11th 2019 (17:15 to 20:30).
- The second pitch will be held on Monday January 13th 2020 (17:15 to 20:30), room 1/305
- The third pitch will be held on Thursday February 13th 2020 (09:00 to 13:00), room 1/305
- The final pitch will be held on Tuesday March 24th 2020 (09:00 to 15:00) and Wednesday March 25th 2020 (09:00 to 15:00), room 1/305
This module belongs to the master course Web Engineering. It is the module 500430 Planspiel Web Engineering and is scheduled for semester 2/4 (winter semester). We strongly recommend to take the module 500420 Vorbereitungsseminar Planspiel Web Engineering beforehand as it provides necessary knowledge for preparation.
Participation is only possible after registration in OPAL.
Registration opens on 07th Oct 2019 12:00 and ends on 14th Oct 2019 at 23:59.
Topics & Teams
1st Pitch (11.Nov.2019) Ranking
*The ranking is only based on the voting from the Planspiel teams.
2nd Pitch (13.Jan.2020) Ranking
*The ranking is only based on the voting from the Planspiel teams.
3rd Pitch (13.Feb.2020) Ranking
*The ranking is only based on the voting from the Planspiel teams.
Frequently Asked Questions
- (Team) Skills Development - skills that cannot be learned from books, but have to be experienced.
- Modern Aspects of Software Development with a dedicated focus on development in a "Startup", i.e. Planspiel helps students to better understand and experience the challenges of working in a startup -and- eventually even starting one. After the Planspiel, the students can continue their work by conducting a Master thesis project in the context of their Planspiel result. Moreover, they can even turn the Planspiel business idea to a real startup company with supporting from VSR Professorship and SAXEED funding.
- Experience the latest technology trends, industry-relevant challenges, and hot topics in the field of Web Engineering.
- Planspiel reports (monthly reports and final report).
- Planspiel final presentation (30 mins).