Module 553010
Current Trends in Web Engineering (WS 2019/2020)

If you have any questions concerning this course or the exam as a participant, please contact us via OPAL.
We also offer a Feedback system, where you can provide anonymous feedback for a partiular session to the presenter on what you liked or where we can improve.
The tutorial for the module Current Trends in Web Engineering will take place on 27 January 2020 at 15:30 in room 1/367A
The room for the lecture has changed to room 1/346
The first lecture will be on Tuesday October 22th 2019.
The tutorial will be conducted in an alternative form and start later in the semester. We will announce detalis on our website and in the lecture.
The lecture Current Trends in Web Engineering is typically offered in the winter semester.
SWS (L/T/S/P): 2/2/0/0
Social media and social networks in the sense of cross-border networks change our perception of communication structures and induce social, economic and political changes. The communication infrastructure has dramatically changed on a regional, national and global levels over the past two decades. What about today? Do social media and networks constitute a chance for all communicative processes? How can one derive new applications from the mass of data and inter-connections, which are already available on the Web and keep steadily increasing via Social Media? What is the potential in the observation of these developments, and how can they be taken under control?The module starts off by covering the basic aspects of social networks and social media as well as web science. Thereby, the addressed questions play an important role. The topic conveyed include architectural aspects, system theory and emergence-related phenomena such as self-organisation. Furthermore, technologies, frameworks and standards, such as protocols and relevant ontologies will be covered. Moreover, current trends and issues in those areas will be investigated in-depth by means of related research literature and discussions.
Qualification Objectives
- Overview of the fundamental questions and problems in the areas of social media and web science
- Understanding of the emergence phenomena; standards, protocols, ontologies as well as approaches, models, technologies, principles and tools to work with and use social media and web science
Prerequisites (Recommended)
- Computer Networks
- Software Service Enginnering
Semester Recommendation
Please subscribe to the tutorial via OPAL.
Lecture Slides
Try to find out and understand what User Story Mapping, Experience Maps, Alignment Maps & Customer Journey Maps is all about - and how to apply and use these tools.
Here are some Web-URLs to start with:
- http://uxmastery.com/how-to-create-a-customer-journey-map/
- http://mappingexperiences.com/
- https://hbr.org/2010/11/using-customer-journey-maps-to/
- http://www.dubberly.com/articles/interactions-the-experience-cycle.html
- http://www.servicedesigntools.org/
- http://www.slideshare.net/frogdesign/brugnoli-system-ux-1061731
The following book might also provide very good insights:
User Story Mapping, By Jeff Patton Edited By Peter Economy Foreword By Alan Cooper, Martin Fowler, Marty Cagan Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Please prepare examples from university life to demonstrate during the lecture, e.g. the registration process to become a Master Student or the process from searching for to finishing the BSc project.