Student Projects
Joining Us
Are you interested in joining us for a student project?
- Bachelor Theses
- Master Theses
- Team-oriented Projects (Teamorientierte Projektarbeiten)
- Practical Courses (Forschungspraktika)
- Advanced Seminars (Oberseminare)
- ...
VSR offers numerous topics for student projects. They are generally related to our latest research in the area of Internet and the World Wide Web. The definition of the exact topic that matches both your interests and our research goals is part of the first meeting.
You are also welcome to bring in your own suggestions. Please send us an email .
Our current research focus areas include, but are not limited to AI, Blockchain, Crowd-sourcing, Data Management, End-User-Development, Intelligent Information Systems, Internet of Things, Linked Data and Semantic Web, Mobile Devices, Mobility, Security, Trust, User Interfaces, and many more.
For technical questions around the student project process (e.g. concerning source control access or the description of your project on our homepage), also contact . Please make sure to read the guidelines first.

Currently Active Projects
Currently Active Student Projects at VSR

Proposed Projects
For students who want to write their thesis at your research group, check our currently proposed topics for possible student projects.

Past Projects
Past Student Projects at VSR

Guidelines for Student Projects
The Guidelines for Student Projects (German) contain many valuable hints, links and explanations around the process of doing a project at VSR.

Learning and Knowledge Sharing (LAKS)
Once a week, VSR students join at an informal Learning and Knowledge Sharing (LAKS) meeting. As the name suggests, participants use the meeting to share their experiences and discuss common technical challenges. The meetings usually takes place on Wednesday, 10:00h, in room 1/B203.