Exam Reviews for WS19/20 and SS20

The Coronavirus pandemic has affected the exam reviews for the Winter Semester 2019/2020 and Summer semester 2020. For this reason, we had to postpone this event until now. However, we remain determined to continue to serve the best for our students. We are announcing today a new way to conduct our exam reviews online.
Starting from today until 09.12.2020 at 16:59, we will provide you the possibility to register online for the exams you want to review. Please use the following links for the registration, by specifying the exam you want to review. Please note, the exam reviews are for the exams held in the Winter semester 2019/2020 and Summer semester 2020. Further, if for any reason, you fail to register in time for the exam review, you will not be able to look into your exam. The actual exam review will take place approximately at the end of January 2021. Please stay tuned for further updates via our channels.
We thank you for your patience.