VSR News 2022
VSR at WI-IAT Conference

Our VSR team member Valentin Siegert participated at the International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology 2022 and presented our latest research findings on the topic of ConTED: Towards Content Trust for the Decentralized Web in the International Workshop on Data Analytics on Social Media (DASM’22).
Digital Student Mentoring

We are happy to announce that Ms Aprajita Kain will support VSR in providing excellent education in the field of Web Engineering. She will serve as Digital Student Mentor especially for students in the Web Engineering Master program, being the primary student-level contact and helping you with any questions/problems/aspects of studying Web Engineering digitally.
Please be invited to join the weekly Digital Student Mentoring consultation sessions every Friday from 3 to 4 pm via BBB (https://webroom.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de/gl/apr-5mp-xet-hkd) if you need help or wish to discuss study-related topics with your new student mentor. The Digital Student Mentoring is an additional offering to support students in the context of online education. Further information is available here: https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/32948518912
VSR needs your input

Dear student,
your study program at TU Chemnitz
would like to hear from you! How was your master's study experience at TU Chemnitz so far?
What worked well and what could be improved?
To further advance the
master’s programs at TU Chemnitz we need your help. You also get two chances to
win 1 out of 5 TU Chemnitz shirts.
Step 1: Please take 15 minutes
to answer the following questionnaire and win one out of five TU Chemnitz shirts:
Step 2: Meet with us and your master’s studies’ peers
virtually on Oct, 21, 9.30 a.m. and discuss your experiences of the study program. The
meeting will last an hour. Your participation will help to put the results of the online
questionnaire (step 1) into context and will be crucial to further develop the program.
Also, you will have another chance to win one out of a second pool of five TU Chemnitz
shirts. More information, access to the web conference, and voluntary registration
at: mytuc.org/hbfp
Your participation is
voluntary. Your data will be treated in confidence and in line with the legal provisions
governing protection of data. You will find more information on data protection by
clicking on the link of the questionnaire.
If you have any questions regarding
the questionnaire or the discussion meeting, please don’t hesitate to
contact marlene.hartmann@iuz.tu-chemnitz.de or ulrike.rada@iuz.tu-chemnitz.de.
Best regards
Marlene Hartmann & Ulrike Rada for TUC
Digital Programs
Q&A session for new students

A Q&A session is organized with the idea to facilitate the process of onboarding new students in the master's program in Web Engineering.
All new students of Web Engineering are welcome to this session, the
focus goes on the questions related to the study program, study regulation, and the
courses of the first semester and the following.
The session will take place on 13 October (Thursday) 2022, at 10
Web Room: mytuc.org/rvkg
We are happy to see you soon.
Welcome to the winter semester 2022/2023

We welcome all our students of Chemnitz University of Technology that will participate in one of our courses from the professorship for Distributed and Self-organizing systems (VSR) in winter semester 2022/2023.
The first VSR lectures will be held beginning in the week of Monday, 17 October
The Planspieland Seminar opening meetings will be announced
within the respective OPAL courses.
The tutorials will start later in
the semester.
All educational modules of our VSR professorship will be possible to take as an online format this semester. More information will be provided respectively within the OPAL courses.
Please stay up-to-date when our tutorials and seminars will start. Also keep in mind, that you have to register for our courses, seminars and the Planspiel via OPAL in advance.
Exam Reviews for Summer Semester 2022

The exam review for the exams written in the summer
semester 2022 will again be held online. Starting from today
until October 09 2022 at 23:59, we will provide you the
possibility to register online for the exams you want to review.
Please use the
following link for the registration, by specifying the exam you want to review:
Please note that registration for the exam review is required for organizational reasons. Furthermore, we do not disclose sample solutions during the exam review.
The actual exam review will take place online on October 11 2022 at 14:00-18:00 and October 21 2022 at 09:00-13:00. You can freely choose, when you want to join in for the review, although you can do so only once. Please consider that each review per exam takes probably about 10 minutes. Thus, joining in later than 10 minutes to the end you might have no chance to review anymore. This adds up accordingly if you want to review more than one exam.
Please use the following BBB link for entering the session https://webroom.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de/gl/seb-gop-rr6-qkz. When you click on this link, you will be placed in a waiting room, which states “Wait until the moderator gives you permission”. This is a first come first serve procedure. If you receive a timeout notification, please refresh the page. Don't worry if there is no change in the waiting room status for some time! Once it is your turn, the moderator will let you in the BBB-room automatically.
Please also have a look into our EDU FAQ for full guidance on the exam review process and its rules you have to agree on before joining. If you have further questions after reading the FAQ, you can send your question by mail to us via vsr-edu@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de.
VSR at HCI International Conference

Our VSR team member Sebastian Heil participated in the HCI International Conference 2022 and presented our latest research findings on the topic of Benchmarking Neural Networks-Based Approaches for Predicting Visual Perception of User Interfaces in the "AI-assisted Evaluation of UX Aspects in the Development Process" session.
VSR at ICWE Conference

Our VSR team member Sebastian Heil participated in the International Conference on Web Engineering 2022 and presented our latest research findings on the topic of We Don’t Need No Real Users?! Surveying the Adoption of User-less Automation Tools by UI Design Practitioners in the "Web User Interfaces" session.
Exam Review Winter Semester 21/22

The actual exam review will take place online on May 12 2022 at 14:00-17:00 and May 16 2022 at 09:00-12:00 . Please use the following BBB link for entering the session https://webroom.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de/gl/seb-gop-rr6-qkz. When you click on this link, you will be placed in a waiting room, which states “Wait until the moderator gives you permission”. This is a first come first serve procedure. If you receive a timeout notification, please refresh the page. Don't worry if there is no change in the waiting room status for some time! Once it is your turn, the moderator will let you in the BBB-room automatically.
Please also have a look into our EDU FAQ for full guidance on the exam review process and its rules you have to agree on before joining.
Exam Review for WS 21/22

The exam review for the exams written in the winter
semester 2021/2022 will again be held online. Starting from today
until April 29 2022 at 23:59, we will provide you the
possibility to register online for the exams you want to review.
Please use the
following link for the registration, by specifying the exam you want to review:
Please note that registration for the exam review is required for organizational reasons. Furthermore, we do not disclose sample solutions during the exam review.
The actual exam review appointment will be published in another news after the registration finished.
Please also have a look into our EDU FAQ for full guidance on the exam review process and its rules you have to agree on before joining.