Comparison of the effectiveness of tutorials in Graphical and Conversational User
Research Area

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a well known platform for curating
cartography information, which is run by volunteers. The community works with guidelines
on how to map and edit information on maps, this includes new, missing, or possibly wrong
information. New members in the OSM community can learn these guidelines by tutorials and
detailed wiki informations. This sometimes leads to mapper conflicts, as there are both
local differences in the managament of map data and divergences in the community for these
guidelines. This situation calls for an exploratory study on if this conflicts could be
avoided by a more interactive introduction to mapping in OSM and especially expectations
in the community itself.
Conversational User Interfaces (CUI) are
gaining more traction in the last years, chatbots are also used in the educational sector.
This shows promise as a more inclusionary tool for the introduction to a complex matter
like mapping in OSM. The premise of this thesis is thus to analyze the introductions that
were built by the commmunity, compare it with known mapper conflicts and create both a
concept and a prototypical implementation of a chatbot that can introduce new members to
the mapping process. This chatbot should include introductions to the technology of map
editors, the database of OSM, and real world examples both for learning the foundations to
OSM mapping and to get awareness of possible mapper conflicts.