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Distributed and Self-organizing Systems
Distributed and Self-organizing Systems

VSR News

Welcome to the summer semester 2024

Welcome to the summer semester 2024

We welcome back all our students of Chemnitz University of Technology that will participate in one of our courses from the professorship for Distributed and Self-organizing systems (VSR) in summer semester 2024.

Information on the courses, exercises and seminars will be shared via OPAL. Please register for the respective OPAL courses to stay up to date.

VSR at INSURE-2024

VSR at INSURE-2024

Our VSR team member Sebastian Heil gave a talk on Smart Energy Systems and Automation - A Web Engineering Perspective at the Indo-German Science and Technology Centre Funded Bilateral Workshop: Information-centric Networks for Resilient Smart Urban Infrastructure held at the Atal Bihari Vajpayee - Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, India.

Tag der Offenen Tür

Tag der Offenen Tür

The professorship presented its research to the public at the Tag der Offenen Tür in the Winter Semester 2023/2024. We offered insights by showing several demonstrators which visitors could also try out on their own.



Today and yesterday, we participated in the CONVERSATIONS '23 Workshop in Oslo which connects researchers around the world who work on Chatbot and Conversational Agents. At the workshop we presented our paper "In Search of Dark Patterns in Chatbots". It is written together with colleagues from Lifia at Universidad Nacional de la Plata and offers new insights into the existence of Dark Patterns in customer service chatbots. The presentation is accessible here.

Further information and the paper preprint are available on the workshop homepage.

4th SaxFDM Conference

4th SaxFDM Conference

Today, VSR attended the 4th annual meeting of the SaxFDM initiative, exchanging knowledge and discussing future activities in the area of Research Data Management with participants from all mayor research institutions in Saxony. The fruitful discussions about technological, organizational and regulatory aspects of providing Research Data infrastructures and consulting to researchers further strengthens our ongoing activities in the context of TRR HYP*MOL and the establishing of TUC's research data platform, TUCdata.

For further information about the SaxFDM initiative, visit the SaxFDM website.

Exam reviews for Summer Semester 2023

Exam reviews for Summer Semester 2023

The exam review for the exams written in the summer semester 2023 will again be held online. Starting from today until October 25 2023 at 23:59, we will provide you the possibility to register online for the exams you want to review.
Please use the following link for the registration, by specifying the exam you want to review:


Please note that registration for the exam review is required for organizational reasons. Furthermore, we do not disclose sample solutions during the exam review.

The actual exam review will take place in presence on Oct 26 2023 at 11:30-15:00 and Nov 02 2023 at 15:00-17:00. You can freely choose, when you want to come in for the review, although you can do so only once. Please consider that each review per exam takes probably about 10 minutes. Thus, arriving later than 10 minutes to the end you might have no chance to review anymore. This adds up accordingly if you want to review more than one exam.

The exam review will take place in the FRIZ computer pool A11.201 (old: 1/B201). Please bring your student ID and wait for the door as you will be let in one by one. More information on the process of the presence exam review can be found in the edu FAQ. If you have further questions after reading the FAQ, you can send your question by mail to us via vsr-edu@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de.

VSR part of the EU-funded Excellence Alliance ENFIELD

VSR part of the EU-funded Excellence Alliance ENFIELD

We are happy to announce that we help building trustworthy and green AI in the context of the EU funded ENFIELD project!

As a part of the Excellence Alliance "European Lighthouse to Manifest Trustworthy and Green AI" (ENFIELD) , our VSR professorship collaborates with over 30 other research institutions of 18 different countries to work towards the goal of human-centered and trustworthy AI.

Welcome to the winter semester 2023/2024

Welcome to the winter semester 2023/2024

We welcome back all our students of Chemnitz University of Technology that will participate in one of our courses from the professorship for Distributed and Self-organizing systems (VSR) in winter semester 2023/2024.

Information on the courses, exercises and seminars will be shared via OPAL and our educational websites. Please register for the respective OPAL courses to stay up to date.

Transregio HYP*MOL established

Transregio HYP*MOL established

We are pleased to announce that we are part of the TRR HYP*MOL!

The TRR HYP*MOL spans across many different universities with a research focus on hyperpolarization in molecular systems, starting in October 2023.

As a service project within the TRR, our VSR professorship establishes non-invasive infrastructure for Research Data Management suitable for interdisciplinary and cross domain research.

Research visit by Dr. Julián Grigera

Research visit by Dr. Julián Grigera

We are happy to currently have Dr. Julián Grigera with us for a resarch visit. From this cooperation, we could offer students insights into his research areas and started a shared publication between members from our professorship and his research group LIFIA from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina.

Edit: Meanwhile, the paper was presented at CONVERSATIONS 2023 in Oslo and is published in the workshop proceedings.

Press Articles